Yay~ More about Ameba Pigg!
I should really change the blog header haha (too much Pigg) Ah well..

The Alaska area is back once again, but only for a limited time. During the time the area is here, the Poseidon event also take place, which means.. more fishing
The Poseidon outfit that you will get in the final quest also includes a very berry cute Poseidon's wig, which is the only reason I'm doing this hahaha

I finally got the eskimo outfit out of one of many Red Salmon. It took so long since those Red Salmons never came to me. Maybe it was because they could detect my craving for sushi from afar.
(Hmm..the last time I had some Sockeye Salmon sushi, it didn't disappoint me)

Easier said than done
The fishing took longer than I thought. Even after seeing 3,000 players claiming the limited item, I was still far from done

It was difficult trying to get a hold of these white fish..They kept on leaving! But I managed to get a few 

Finally..All of my hard work are paid off 

With this, I am officially satisfied and done.. for good. Time to recharge stamina and prepare for the next fishing challenge..well, only if it has a wig.
Hnnngh! Wah, my back hurts from being in a weird position for so long. (I blame it on fishing)