So, first destination, the Party Hall. Unlike last year and the year before, this year, Ameba spend most of their time creating gachas and less on the shop items. I'm sad that we can't just buy what we want, and instead have to spin gacha. I rather not risk my luck, especially not on gacha. Not mentioning, the gachas only add to the lag.
I'm asking you. What is the Shining Star gacha doing in Prom? I don't know, you tell me..
Just another way for Pico to persuade people to put use to one of their long dead gacha. Nothing special.

These...were initially the main clothes for Prom this year. It turns out pretty much a failure. Ever seen their release, I haven't seen a soul roaming in Pico with these dresses on. If there are any, I applaud their bravery. After all, I find it difficult to find some good points in these dresses.

I planned to end this post as it is, but there are things that I can't just ignore, and can't help but rant about it.
Am I out of trend? Or is this not a dance at all...? Except La Picorena and Side Steps, there haven't been any Prom dances at all.. No matter how I look at it, this "dance" reminds me of someone trying to block my way, with the extending hands and all.. It's more like an action, not a dance.
That last thing u said is total truth. I bought the single dance only cos of the dance group im in. It's realy sad that pico admins are to lazy to create new stuff. Pico is boring.
ReplyDeleteLol..thanks for sharing~ Good luck with your dance group ^^