What is with the gachas flood? I can almost predict what Pico will bring every week
Non-stop premium gachas release on weekdays, and following those is a casino challenge on the weekends. At least bring more parks and tokens/ gummies items, fools
The good news, however, is that the gachas are much, much better in my opinions. I am sure that I'm not the only one, but don't they give off an Ameba Pigg feeling

Speaking of which, I like the idea of having shop items relating to the gacha in the same area. It's nice to know that I can actually get something I want rather trying my luck spinning. Even though the shop items have yet to be as nice as the gacha ones, it's a good start. 

Don't look at me..
It was unavoidable.

Buy one get the rest free, or you can just take them... Just take them... 

World Community Parks
What. Is. This. My eyessss

Adding the Arabic and Portuguese Park is really nice for a change. There are many Arabic players that I've met in this game. But I had to squint to see the park name because of the font! Even if there are more parks, just making the font smaller would do, there were no need to change it. The previous font was easier to see..

It seems that the Vietnamese Park is also getting more popular, which is good. In the beginning, I was afraid Pico had release it all for nothing since is was empty most of the time. On the contrary, my beloved Japanese Park is decreasing in numbers.
What a tragedy...

Now a goodbye to the Korean Park and the French Park, the two which got removed. 

I'll try to keep this blog as active as possible
Don't ever abandon me and please keep reading~ Take care always, my lovely readers. 

Finally! Welcome back Scarlett! ♥