But it seems Ameba Pico is a little bit late on the Halloween part this year. It's either they are doing something "big" for Halloween in Pico, or the staffs are still trying to throw all the gachas they have in store for us for the time being. Well, I'm guessing it's the latter, since this is Pico after all, what can we expect.

Cherrybelle Collaboration
A special toast to this ChiBi Collab for having so many adorable shop items
Ever since the first collab with Alice Nine, the rest of the collaborations have been gacha, gacha, gachassss. How long has it been since I last saw a set of wigs in the shop? Decent wigs at that. Pretty long, eh. It is about time that Ameba Pico stop releasing colorful wigs, since that has been pretty much all they ever did.
Up until now, there hasn't been a lot of natural hair color wigs beside those in premium gachas, which is a poor deal if you really think about it...

Beside the hair color, one thing that I like about these is that they blend in very well, making it not so difficult to find the right clothes to put on. The wigs' styles are those that are easily combine and mix with other clothing to create a completely unique style of your own. 

Functions Update
Starting off with the chat history, there a now a small icon of the Pico player who is speaking to the left. I find this quite helpful to other Ameba Pico bloggers out there. Whenever there is a post containing a portion of the chat history to describe an event, the readers won't be confuse of whose dialogue is whose since the visual helps them follow the conversation better.
When your cursor pass over the Pico player, their username will appears over the player's head. Both of this and the chat history above have been a part of Ameba Pigg for quite some time. This pic is featuring tinkerbel007 with her overhead username.
Oh, and I also bought Cherrybelle Steffy's wig~
Behold my ribbon hair

From now on, whenever the park that you are currently in has two or more rooms, there will be a gray arrow next to the park's name. When clicked, a list of all the rooms will appear. This really help to deal with the lag, since you won't have to wait for the "Travel" menu to load. Just simply click on the arrow to the right and you'll be able to go to any of the other rooms using this neat shortcut 

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