Please, it's not searching for friends, it's searching for love mates!! This game is slowly seems more and more like a damn dating website to me rather than a virtual world game. With these new features, I've officially proved my points.
Not mentioning you can even follow all the online people that you searched up. If anything, one thing I cannot absolutely stand is this, being able to follow anybody, as long as they are online. Isn't that suppose to be only available between buddies?!!
Unlike anybody who may support Pico's intentions, I would rather have friends by actually meeting them and have a friendly conversation than being search up and can be found by almost everybody. At the very least, we can put "Don't allow" for every columns. If we weren't given that option, I don't even know why I'm even playing this game anymore,which I am wondering about. They might as well put a sign next to the game logo: PicoWorld: A game for stalkers. Still, all kidding aside, where the hell is my privacy in all of this?!

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